pp108 : Process Specific Messages

Process Specific Messages

This topic describes Process Specific Messages.

Process Specific Messages are messages and elements used specifically in the context of the current business process model. You can create Process Specific Messages from the Source column.
Process specific messages are used to create the following:

  • XML structureYou must create intermediate XML structures that need to be used in the course of a process. For example, for the update operation of a tuple in a database, in the Northwind MethodSet, the Update method is the same. The table in which the new row is inserted depends on the table tag in the update SOAP request. So you can create the skeleton WSDL for the Update method and add the table tag with all its data columns under the new tag.XML structures can also be used to create intermediate messages.
  • Temporary elementsElements created in Source hold temporary values, for example, counting the total or the loop count in a While or Until loop.Create an assignment with the operation set to Fixed Value with value zero to initialize the element count at the start of the process.

  • Process specific messages are available only in WSDL format.
  • The process specific messages and elements you create are prefixed with the model namespace.

Related tasks

Creating a Process Specific Message
Creating Assignments

Related reference

External Messages

Related information

Using Message Maps